Sunday, April 24, 2011


From that moment on she was my mother and I was her son. A more unlikely pair you will never see but that is what it was and i'd never known any different.
She looked around, smokey eyes wide with terror and swiftly scooped me up from under my shelter. My home. Wrapping the worn and tattered canvas, that I had been swaddled in since I was left under me boat canopy, tightly around my scrawny naked frame, I was roughly shoved under her white smocked dress and we began the journey to me new home.
Under that dress was the warmest I had ever felt in me life. My cheek gently rocked back and forth as it pressed softly into the smooth skin of her breast and after a few yards of her walking along the worn dirt road, I was sound asleep, safely resting in the arms of a hurt and broken girl.

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