Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Circular Motion

I am in such a strange stage of life. Moving from a dependant child to a mother herself has been a hard adjustment and a complete shift in perspective and understanding. Looking through my parents' photo albums of us as kids, I was struck with awe as I realised that I am now making these albums of my own family. Life does seem to have a circular motion about it. There IS nothing new under the sun and as you age you begin to realise that human beings have indeed been the same; made the same mistakes, experienced the same joys, wrestled with the same questions as our ancestors before us. As children you grow up thinking your parents know nothing about your experience of life and are the disconnected ones, when in fact they were you not too long ago. It is taking me awhile to get my head around but I am having to accept and hopefully embrace the fact that I am indeed a fully fledged adult entering a new stage of my life.

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